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Concept of the journal "Issues of History and Theory of Culture"

  In each edition of the journal there will be presented several (and not all) from the above-listed rubrics. Some rubrics may be added in the future if necessary.
  At the modern stage of the Society development, scientific information can be obtained by means of traditionally printed as well as by electronic sources. To accelerate scientific progress, it is important that scientific information base become more available for the, as wide as possible, audience: professors, teachers, scientific workers, students and other potential readers, some of whom do not have access to stationary scientific libraries.
  The journal "Issues of History and Theory of Culture", which has been in print since 1995, is a modern scientific publication the goal of which, on one hand, is to popularize Georgian scientific achievements in the field of humanities and, on the other hand, to make Georgian academic circles familiar with modern level of foreign humanitarian sciences, to promote the development of humanitarian sciences. The journal is aimed to create a constructive creative environment for further development of the fields of humanitarian sciences presented in it; to promote their modern achievements.
  History, Archeology, Oriental Studies, Philosophy, Culturology, Religious Studies, Ethnology, Kartvelology/Georgian Studies, Literary Criticism, Linguistics are leading fields of our modern humanitarian sciences. These ranges have been long playing an important role in the history of humanitarian thinking. The development of these fields for the small nations like ours, has a great national significance, along with pure scientific one. Accordingly, by the decision of the editor and the Editorial Board of the journal "Issues of History and Theory of Culture", it was approved to create a website of the journal.
   We hope that the foundation of the website of the journal "Issues of History and Theory of Culture" at the Faculty of Humanities of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University will greatly facilitate further development of Georgian humanitarian sciences and raise the scientific level, accelerate the publication of the newest scientific information and its involvement in the scientific circulation; it will simplify the achievement of information and archival materials published in this journal, raise the index of personal citations of the authors. To avoid self-isolation and informational vacuum, the above journal will create a rich database of information where it will show the achievements of different scientific schools.
The Journal "Issues of History and Theory of Culture" is intended for humanitarian specialists: professors, teachers, scientific workers and doctoral students in the following fields:

• Historiography
• Archeology
• Oriental Studies
• Philosophy
• Culturology
• Religious Studies
• Ethnology
• Kartvelology/Georgian Studies
• Literary Criticism
• Linguistics

  The journal was founded in 1995 by the decision of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of History of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, and it is published with support of the Faculty of Humanities of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
   The Journal "Issues of History and Theory of Culture" meets all the basic requirements of the original scientific journals:

• It is annually published in print form;
• It comes out with schedule;
• It has been on the Internet since 2017;
• It is peer-reviewed.

   The "Issues of History and Theory of Culture" mainly comes out in Georgian with foreign language resume (mainly in English). Articles, published in it, are available for everyone.

The journal's activity is led by the scientific editor, the editorial board whose members are highly qualified Georgian and foreign researchers of relevant scientific disciplines. 
